Ottawa High School to host Step-Up Day, March Choir Concert on March 13
The Ottawa High School Concert Choir, Treble Choir, Overboard and Crimson Choir will be performing its Step-Up Day and March Choir Concert at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 13, at the Ottawa High School Auditorium.
Ottawa High School to host Step-Up Day, March Choir Concert on March 13

Ottawa High School to host Step-Up Day, March Choir Concert on March 13
The Ottawa High School Concert Choir, Treble Choir, Overboard and Crimson Choir will be performing its Step-Up Day and March Choir Concert at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 13, at the Ottawa High School Auditorium.
Princeton’s Noah LaPorte & Jordan Reinhardt, Mendota’s Cole Tillman named unanimous all-conference

Princeton’s Noah LaPorte & Jordan Reinhardt, Mendota’s Cole Tillman named unanimous all-conference
Princeton seniors Noah LaPorte and Jordan Reinhardt and Mendota freshman Cole Tillman along with Newman junior Garret Matznick were unanimously named all-conference.
Princeton’s Noah LaPorte & Jordan Reinhardt, Mendota’s Cole Tillman named unanimous all-conference
Princeton seniors Noah LaPorte and Jordan Reinhardt and Mendota freshman Cole Tillman along with Newman junior Garret Matznick were unanimously named all-conference.
Eagle Scout installs gaga pit at Guthrie Park in Marseilles

Eagle Scout installs gaga pit at Guthrie Park in Marseilles
A gaga ball pit was installed over the weekend in Marseilles by a local Eagle Scout.
Eagle Scout installs gaga pit at Guthrie Park in Marseilles
A gaga ball pit was installed over the weekend in Marseilles by a local Eagle Scout.
Princeton heads up Three Rivers All-Conference wrestling team